Movement Coaching
Movement Coaching
Movement is key to health and longevity, but what is best for you? We know what works for one may not be right for everyone. At Live Life Well, we don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to anything, much less exercise. We want you to move without pain, and to that end, we encourage all of our clients to take advantage of our Movement experts.
We recognize that taking the first step to move your body can be mentally and physically daunting for someone dealing with chronic pain be it autoimmune or diabetic related pain, or for someone who doesn’t have experience with exercise. Movement coaching isn’t a big jump into CrossFit or Yoga, it’s simple movement exercises to get your joints moving and heart rate slightly elevated.
Our Movement Coaches will give you a personally tailored plan to get your body moving optimally without pain. As you progress through that plan, we can continually tweak it so it is right for you, right where you are. We want you to hit your health goals and Live Life Well.

Live Life Well Clinic
Mental Health Coaching
We at Live Life Well know that sometimes the greatest detriment to our health is our mindset. In certain circumstances, there is a legitimate need for medication for the treatment of mental health disorders.
At Live Life Well, we believe in the possibility of chronic disease reversal through lifestyle modification.

Live Life Well Clinic
Comprehensive Wellness
Schedule your FREE Discovery Call
8705 Milwaukee Ave
Lubbock, TX 79424
Mon - Thu: 9 AM - 6 PM
Fri: 8:30 AM - 1 PM